Update: PopCAANZ Call extended!


If you were thinking of submitting an abstract for the 10th annual Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand conference at RMIT in July: good news! The call for abstracts has been extended!

All you have to do in order to be considered is submit a 150-word abstract and a 100-word bio to the Area Chair most closely affiliated with your topic of interest. You can find the full list of Areas, as well as information about related publication opportunities, below:

PopCAANZ chairs

So, get typing, and I’ll see you in Melbourne!

About kmcmahoncoleman

I live and work on the South Coast of New South Wales, Australia. I work in the higher education sector. My educational career has traversed Arts (Literature, Japanese, and Cultural Studies), Secondary Education (English, Japanese & Special Education), Learning Development (Disability Support) and Higher Education (Regional). I'm unapologetically interested in advocacy, politics, and popular culture. When I'm not at work, you can find me wrangling two adult children, myriad pets, and one long-term spouse. Opinions are my own. View all posts by kmcmahoncoleman

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